Friday, May 19, 2006

All Brand - marketing roughage

Babe's Always WriteToday, in the interest of blatant self-promotion, I've been battling to come up with a marketing brand for myself. This is a bit like the old quizz show, Pick-A-Box. Choose the wrong one and you're taking home the booby prize (hmm, maybe I should start writing bodice rippers?)

There's something to be said for consummer-driven brand recognition. Readers can immediately identify your flavor before they've even opened the box. And a label influences how qualities are interpreted. Anyone who doubts this should read a few real estate ads- "a renovator's dream" = anyone else's nightmare. Kids really understand this concept. Kids never choose a No-Frills brand of cereal to throw in your shopping trolley. Those marketing bods aren't dummies. I mean, a no-brand doll that doesn't come as part of a couple or band must be a "loser"- and who wants to play with a loser, much less buy it, whereas a singly packaged, divorced Barbie would be seen as reflecting successful independent modern women, especially if she comes with all Ken's stuff. It's a great choice of Christmas present from bitter divorced aunts, um, independent modern aunts. It's all based on perspective.

Now branding oneself is a difficult and painful process, as most cows will attest to. It dissembles that comforting thought that we're all individual and unique. Being individual and unique is great, as long as we fit into the standard boxes. Yup, we'll just slice off the bits that hang out of the box- who needs lipo-suction. Note to self- go into box head first.

So, back to me, my favorite subject. I thought maybe I should be Brand E since all my work is double proofed and sounds punch drunk??? But given most of my settings are hospitals or related areas (WIP is set in a morgue) one of my CPs, the brilliant and witty Gemma Halliday- author of "Spying in High Heels", suggested I use "A prescription for love and laughter" as my byline. I like it. What do you think, and what is your personal brand?


Sela Carsen said...

Following with interest. I'll pick up the bits that the marketing gurus slice off.

Babe King said...

thanks Sela. I knew you'd save my butt. :-)

Anonymous said...

Gemma is a very wise woman. :) I love that tag line!

Anonymous said...

I like that tag line too :)

Jennifer McKenzie said...

I think it's very clever! I never thought of it this way. I don't know that I could really brand myself. I'd probably do what you did--post a topic on RD and see what comes up.

Babe King said...

Hey Jen, yeah that only really works if you post a lot and folks know your voice and writing well. Have you got stuff in the RD crit boutique?

Babe King said...

Hey Leela, yeah, Rx works for those in the know, but Joe Schmoe would probably wonder what it meant.