Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Wild and Free

Money free that is. It's school holidays here and I'm the one getting lessons in subtraction. Two kids to the movies, a sandwich, drink and cookie each from Subways, 2 haircuts and one school uniform short-sleeved shirt and pair of shorts for each boy, $5 worth of dog muchies to recompense our poor old pooch for the chiblings being home and running her ragged, and voila, empty purse. Not even enough left for the coffee I desperately need to keep up with them. School holidays --grrr. We've made biscuits (cookies for you Americans), painted cards, gathered seaweed for our compost heap (which is a lot more fun than it sounds), and um, what the heck else can we do that costs nothing, doesn't make a mess and takes little or no effort? One more week to go.  I think I can, I think I can...

And "The Wild"? Well, it's not as witty or entertaining as "Over the Hedge" or "Madagascar", but I love the Cockney Koala. I notice on Disney's official site you can see what semi-digested eucalyptus leaves look like. Oh goodie-- mustn't miss that. ;-) 
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Sela Carsen said...

Wish I could help you with good freebie holiday ideas, but I spend my holidays just trying to keep up!

Kristen Painter said...

Hmm. How about painted macaroni picture frames, pinecone bird feeders (smash suet or peanut butter into pinecones, roll them in seeds and hang in the trees for the birds), scavenger hunts, games of charades...

Okay, I don't have kids. If I had to entertain them I'd probably do the same thing I do when the cats get bored. Wrap one of their feet in tape and watch them jump around trying to flick it off.

Babe King said...

Yep, we made bird feeders last holidays. I broke out the board games though(but my boys think pick-up-sticks is a full contact javlin throwing game.) My sons would have me evicted for wasting macaroni, but they did do a pile of paper quilling. Thank God for free videos at the library- my sanity saver for tomorrow. We spent a few hours reading this morning, picnic in the park, oldest went busking, afternoon at the imaginarium. Tomorrow we are making wire sculptures for paper mache. Only 6 days to go and counting. :-)