Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Bloodlines and Heart Strings is a grand champion winner!

Oh my! I just got news that my short story Bloodlines and Heart Strings has not only been accepted for "A Cup of Comfort for Dog Lovers", but has won grand champion and, as such, will be the leading story in the anthology. I'm so excited. And chuffed. I love these uplifting books.

Anyway, the anthology comes out in August. I only hope it's as good as the last Cup of Comfort anthology I was in. Meantime, I'm very, very proud to be part of it.


Two Voices Publishing said...

Congratulations, Babe! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!!! Congrats, Babe! :)

Tempest Knight said...

That's awesome news! Congrats!

Babe King said...

Thank you, ladies. Frinky, our pound puppy, is very excited to have her biography in such hot demand. She's taken her rewards in bones and doggy treats, but otherwise is coping with her new found fame with all the grace of a movie star. Well, except for the growl brought on by a few cats who threatened to buy her book and pee on its pages. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! (evil glare)

Cup of Comfort also asked me to write a story for their classic edition. So fingers crossed that "Mr. Motorcycle Legs" makes it into that one. I love their books. Such warm and fuzzy tomes.

Heather said...

Congratulations on your accomplishment, Babe!