In "The Marian Kind, my release with Freya's Bower this month, my hero has a problem -- a dead body in his bathtub that threatens to expose his illegal, philanthropic activities. What would YOU do? This week I decided to brainstorm his problem.
You could:
1. Bury them in a shallow grave with a sprinkling of lime. Warning: Do not substitute lemon.
2. Use them as the non-moving extra in a zombie movie. Be aware there are many living actors also suited to this part.
3. Use as a fail-safe date for really ugly friends.
4. Dress them as a hobo and sit them on a cross-town tram. Warning: other disguises may not work since you must also account for the odor.
5. Use as a scarecrow since they're already stuffed.
6. Hang beside your front door with a rolled-up "Watchtower" in their hands as a dogma deterrent.
7. Use them as the before shot in skin commercials.
8. Send to Egypt to desiccate. Everyone knows that sun-dried anything is healthy.
9. Do NOT bury them in a peat bog.
10. Wrap in bandages and take to the orphanage, because every kid needs a mummy.
11. If you had enough of them, you could form a more effective Congress.
12. Donate them to the local art class so they can do life drawing and still life at the same time.
13. Leave them in the sun until they go off with a bang and scare the kids.
Rob did not use any of these methods. Wanna know what he DID do?
Buy the book! "The Marian Kind" Available June 21 at Freya's Bower as part of their Summer Lovin' collection. Yes, this is a shameless plug! :-)
LMAO that is hysterical!
Especially the before in the skin commercials {oh and the Congress lol}
LOL - I love the Egypt one. And I know to come to to ask for ideas for my current WIP. I need to kill some people off...
Dress him in black and leave him in a parking lot as a speed bump. Too cruel? Oh, well...
bwhahahaha- love it!
Too funny! Thanks for the morning chuckle... I think lol
Babe, you scare me.
Number 3 cracked me right up! I also know some people who are beautiful on the outside but dead on the inside. This would work perfect for them.
Congrats on the release. It's on my to buy list!
PS - I use Stat Counter. It tells me what country my visitors come from.
LMAO at the Congress one!!!! Could also add
"If you had enough of them you would have the candidates for a primary."
LOL! Babe, you frighten me.
OMG! *ROFL* You've been giving this a lot of thought, Babe. Planning to kill someone and then use his/her dead body? *LOL*
Too funny. Reminded me of Weekend at Bernies.
*snork* What a GREAT list!!
Thanks, Elle. If these TT's make you laugh, you'll like "The Marian Kind." I'm psyched. Currently in final edits. :-)I'll have to change over to stat counter then when I get a mo.
love it, Jennifer.
and who me, Tempest? It's the quiet ones you have to watch you know. lol
thanks, Sarah. I hadn't thought of that movie, but yeah! Certainly fits.
I LOVE that, Babe!
So that's YOUR desk the Tour Manager found for my header? I'll fix the note about it and make sure people know it's yours -- if you want me to change it, drop me and e-mail and I'll do so. But I think it's sort of fun to give you the extra plug!
lol ah, Susan, I was messing with ya. But I do have a messy desk just like that, lol. But hey, I'll take any plugging anyone wants to give me. :-)
Lmao! Great list!
OMG! Those a riot. Loved too many to list! Some great ideas for future possibilities, no doubt!
Gee, now I know who to call for brainstorming totally unexpected (not to mention utterly unappetizing) plot twists! :D Great list, Babe.
Congrats on the new release!
Now, why can't we substitute with lemon? Inquiring minds...
I was waiting for the bu-dum-dum after I read #10. LOL!
lol Y'all make me laugh!
Oh dear God.
You know, I actually made myself take a bathroom break before visiting your TT. Glad to know instinct hasn't failed me yet.
Sun-dried, healthy. You ain't right, but I love it.
Too funny! Thanks for sharing :-)
ROFL--reminds me of that 80's movie Weekend at Bernie's...remember that?!?!
LOLOL! What a hilarious list -- I read it out loud to my hubby and he enjoyed it, too. :-D
Happy TT, and thanks for visiting my blog!
Very original TT!! LOL. I like the title of your book, too!
Number 8 is killing me! Pun intended. Hah!
Great list, Babe. You're too funny. I especially like the one about him holding a copy of The Watchtower. How about putting him in a tux and setting him down in the town square after hanging a sandwich board over him advertising your new book? Just a thought. After all, any publicity is good publicity, even that involving a dead body.
I love #11- so true. I am interested in yet another book now. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for all the tips, now I know what to do with all the dead bodies lying around my house ;)
Next time you offer me timtams I'm not eating them.
ROLF - ok. Now do you feel better?
Very clever way to make me want to read your book!! Happy TT
"...because every kid needs a mummy."
ROFLMBO...only you! Love it!
Hey, Robin, that's why I moderate down in Romance Diva's Think Tank. :-)
Thanks, Amelia. Squee. New releases are such an exhausting buzz!
Crystal, you big stirrer. No doubt you'll have a few recipes of your own.
Wise move, Emma. Babe: the new remedy for urinary retention. Maybe I should use that as my byline. :-)
Glad I amused your hubby, Thomma.
Thanks, Kate. I like my title too. Anything that lets me pun is A okay in my lol :-)
careful, Kristen, punning is a habit, you know. Far as I'm aware there are no patches for it either.
Good one, Diana
Yay, Kissa and Joely. That's what I'm hoping! Tell ya friends.
any time, Ava. I'm here for all your funereal needs.
Oh, Imi. This just shows you've never tasted Tim Tams or you'd know they're worth the risk. :-)
Oh and Diana, I know what to put on the billboard too.
"What? You're not buying my book? Over my dead body!"
wow, this is damn hilarious! good one...really. :)
ROFL!! These are awesome! I'm definately going to send you an email if I ever wake up with a dead body in my tub. :)
Good luck with the sales!
Fantastic list! Any zombie reference is top drawer in my opinion!
Thanks, Pria and Christine.
And Thomas, I think reading your blog is what made zombies spring immediately to my mind. Er... maybe I should rephrase that--lol--change feet! But you know what I mean.
For those of you who don't know, Thomas is an actor and a zombie slayer in his show. How cool is that?!
Congrats on the soon to be released Marian Kind. Sounds great.
Thanks Annalee
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